(Unless otherwise advertised)
St Columba, Arbory
8.30 am Holy Communion First Sunday of the month
A Communion service in traditional language, using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. With a sermon but no hymns, the service lasts between approx 40 mins. Following the service there is tea and toast for those wishing to stay.
10.30 am All Age First Sunday of the month
All-age worship, ideal for young families and anyone less familiar with Anglican worship with well-known hymns and some music played by the music group and an ‘interactive’ short sermon. The service lasts approximately 1 hour.
9.30 am Parish Holy Communion (Second and Fourth Sundays)
A modern-language Communion service, with hymns and sermon, and following a printed Order of Service, it is usually finished by 10.45 am at the latest.
9.30 am Morning Worship (Third Sunday)
A non-Eucharistic, modern-language “service of the word” with a sermon, hymns, and metrical Psalms and Canticles sung to familiar tunes. Easy to follow from a printed Order of Service, it is usually finished by 10.30 am
St Mary's on the Harbour, Castletown
11am Parish Holy Communion on First, Second and Third Sundays
A modern-language Communion service, with hymns and sermon and following a printed Order of Service. It is usually finished by 12 noon.
11am Morning Worship Fourth Sunday
A non-Eucharistic, modern-language “service of the word” with a sermon, hymns, and metrical Psalms and Canticles sung to familiar tunes or similar service. Easy to follow from a printed Order of Service, it is usually finished by 12 noon.
Refreshments are served in both churches after the service. Everyone is most welcome to stay and join us.
Services on a Fifth Sunday - Holy Communion at 10.30am
When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we alternate between the two churches for a combined service of Holy Communion at 10.30 am. Details of which church is holding the service can be found on the Calendar page of this website or published on the Parish Facebook page.