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Welcome to the Parish of
St Columba, Arbory & St Mary's on the Harbour, Castletown
Welcome to the Parish of St Columba, Arbory and St Mary's on the Harbour, Castletown in the Diocese of Sodor and Man. We are one parish with two churches and two distinct worshipping communities. Whether you are a long time resident, new to the area, visiting or searching for a spiritual home we would love to welcome you.
We aim to share the life and love of Jesus with all people. Whether you are familiar with the Christian faith or you want to find out what Christians believe and what the Bible really has to say to us today, we hope our website will help answer some of your questions. Of course, we would love to meet you face to face and whether you are looking for a church to celebrate your wedding or child's baptism, family friendly worship or something a bit more traditional, or Biblical teaching in a world that has lost its way, we hope you will drop by and join us at one of our services.
St Columba is situated in Ballabeg and serves the ancient Parish of Arbory, which includes Ballabeg, Colby and the surrounding area.
St Mary's on the Harbour serves Castletown, the former ancient capital of the Island. In 1989, the church relocated from the former Garrison Church building to the converted school house on the harbour .
Help support the mission and ministry of our parish.
You are now able to make donations to the church safely online.
Just click on the "give a little" link below.
Thank you for your support.
This website will give you a flavour of some of the things that are on offer through the week as well as some of the special services, activities and events in our calendar.
We look forward to welcoming the Rev Simon Archer as he is licensed as Priest in Charge of Arbory and Castletown
on Tuesday 26th September at 7.30pm at Arbory Parish Church
Please pray for Simon, Tasha and all the family as they settle into life in their new home.
If you need a chat or practical help and support please do be in touch with me and I will try and help where I can. If you would like us to add you to our prayer list then please let me know. My phone number is below.
Please continue to stay safe and well
The Facebook Recordings can be found on the parish FB pages either for Castletown Parish Church or Arbory Parish Church click on either link below
Arbory church Facebook Page & St Mary's on the Harbour Facebook Page
In addition you will find other resources appearing both here on our website and on our Face Book pages
You will also find lots of resources available on the Church of England Website
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Details of our Parish Safeguarding Policy and various contact details can be found on our Parish Safeguarding Page which can be found under Parish Policies.
The Parish of Arbory and Castletown takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.
PARISH SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Mrs Stevie Ledger: Phone 01624 825140
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Daily Message
John 13:34-35
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