Arranging a Funeral Service
Arranging FuneralsThe death of someone we love is a difficult time. We all need the support of our family, friends and those we trust. It is a time when we appreciate the care & prayers of others in the wider community. The church seeks to be part of that caring community. Within the Parish of Arbory & Castletown, most funeral services are conducted on behalf of people who have had some association with the church or who have lived within the parish boundary. We will however, always try to accommodate any requests for a funeral service in church regardless of whether there has been a connection or not. It is often best that you make your arrangements through the funeral director, who will liaise with the church. Once a date and time for the service has been agreed, the Vicar will arrange to meet with you and other family members to discuss your requirements. What does the service involve?A service normally includes music, readings, prayers, a tribute, a short address and space for private reflection. The length of a service can vary, although it usually lasts between 25 and 40 minutes. The Vicar can help you plan the service. Garden of RemembranceWe occasionally receive requests for a burial of cremated remains in the Garden of Remembrance within the church grounds. Details of who can be buried in the Garden of Remembrance and other information can be obtained from the vicar. In due course, details will be added to the website. Finding out more about the Christian faith.As a church family, we care for those who live in our community and pray for you as you go through this difficult time. Many people find it helpful to come to church at such a time, in order to take some time out to remember and to think about the bigger picture. You are most welcome to join us any Sunday at our services and the times can be found on our calendar page. Service of Remembrance for those who have been bereaved.
Every autumn, usually in November, we invite families and friends of loved ones who have died during the year to join us in a very special service of remembrance at which they will be remembered by name. We hope that you will be able to attend this peaceful and reflective service. It may be that you have some unanswered questions which you would like to work through. Please feel free to contact the Vicar if you would like to chat further. Planning ahead - discussing your own funeral requests Arranging or attending a funeral can often prompt people to consider their own mortality and what sort of things they would want when they die. Burial or cremation? Church or crematorium? Hymns? Readings? Discussing such things with family and friends can be difficult. If you would like some help in planning ahead or to talk through any other issues or concerns you have then please contact the Vicar.