The Parish of Arbory and Castletown

Prayer Meetings

Prayer Meetings at Arbory & Castletown

Prayer is an important part of our worshipping life as a church. We pray for the Church and the World, for the sick and needy in our worship, Sunday by Sunday, but we also meet weekly to pray for our seperate churches and the communities we serve. Here we pray for parish life, forthcoming events and activities, as well as for one another and the mission of the church.

We would love more people to join us. You don't have to pray out loud, God hears the silent prayers of our hearts too.

We are always happy to pray for needs within our parish, so if you have something you would like us to pray for then please be in touch us.



There is a small group who meet for prayer most Friday mornings at Arbory Parish Church. Although currently the group that meets is all male, the prayer meeting is open to everyone. The prayer group follows a shortened pattern of prayers and reading from the Book of Common Prayer and has a period of open prayer. It aims to meet at 8am most weeks, but there are sometimes changes. You are welcome to attend, but it is probably wise to check with the Rev Irene Cowell on 823509 or alternatively speak to either Alan Leece, Phil Smith or Mike Berry. The Vicar can put you in touch if you need their numbers.



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